Ecdesign expert course

What to expect from this course

  • How to create more advanced layouts

  • Learn how to create video presentations

  • Advanced 3D model edit

Course information

What we cover in this course

In the expert course we will go through some of the most advanced features in Ecdesign. We highly recommend that you have taken both the beginner and intermediate course before enrolling in the expert course. At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to take a short quiz. The estimated time to complete the course is approximately one hour.

Course curriculum

    1. Ecdesign expert course introduction

    2. Chapter 1 introduction.

    3. Part 1. How to create custom flooring.

    4. Part 2. How to create posters, floor images and mirrors.

    5. Part 3. How to use custom objects with box and cylinder.

    6. Part 4. Creating stairs and custom paths.

    1. Chapter 2 introduction.

    2. Change object colors and save object groups.

    1. Chapter 3 introduction.

    2. How to create walkthrough video and 360 degree presentations.

    1. Chapter 4 introduction

    2. Create advanced flooring.

    3. Create advanced ceiling.

    1. Expert course quiz introduction

    2. Expert course quiz.

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content